Our partnerships and memberships
Collaboration is key to better understand and sensitively address the diverse and complex sustainability challenges we face as a company and as an industry.
We actively work with stakeholders from across the public, private and NGO spheres towards shared objective for sustainable agriculture.
We contribute to the development of AgroIdeal, an innovative tool for mapping and facilitating sustainable soy production expansion in South America.
We are member of Better Cotton Initiative, a key multi-stakeholder initiative to make sustainable cotton the norm.
We are member of the Cerrado Working Group (GTC), whose mission is to eradicate, in the shortest time frame possible, deforestation in Brazil’s Cerrado Biome, reconciling the production of soy with environmental, economic and social interest.
Together with eleven major agri-commodity companies we committed to define a shared roadmap for enhanced supply chain action consistent with a 1.5°C pathway by COP27.
We are a member of Cotton made in Africa, an initiative that improves the living conditions of cotton farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa while promoting environmental protection.
We are a member of the Getting to Zero Coalition, committed to decarbonizing the shipping sector by bringing commercially viable zero-emission vessels into operation by 2030.
Our sustainability strategy is guided by the Environmental and Social Performance Standards of International Finance Corporation, one of our shareholders.
Our sustainability strategy is guided by the Environmental and Social Performance Standards of International Finance Corporation, one of our shareholders.
With support from Proforest, we are building a clearer understanding of the environmental and social profile of our palm oil supply chain and defining actions to mitigate supply chain risks.
We are member of the Green Grains Protocol of Pará, which bans financing or sourcing of soy associated with illegal deforestation or forced labour in the state of Pará, Brazil. We receive annual external audits to ensure our compliance with this commitment.
We are member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, a not-for-profit that unites oil palm producers, processors or traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks/investors, and NGOs, to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil.
We are member of the Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS), a civil organization that promotes responsible production, processing and trading of soy on a global level, to ensure socially equitable, economically feasible and environmentally sound soy production.
We have joined the International Maritime Organisation-led Sea Cargo Charter to support the creation of a global framework to promote a consistent, shared way of reporting shipping emissions and support the sector’s decarbonisation.
We are signatory to the Amazon Soy Moratorum and uphold its principle to not finance or source soy produced on deforested farmland in Amazon after July 2008. We receive annual external audits to ensure our compliance with this principle.
We are member of the Soy Working Group (GTS), a multi-sector group made up of producers, traders, civil society, government and retailers which works to ensure the permanence of environmental protection achievements related to the Amazon Soy Moratorium.
We are a Tropical Forest Alliance Steering Committee member. Here, we join other members in supporting multi-stakeholder efforts towards ending deforestation in agricultural supply chains.
We are signatory to the UN Global Compact, which unites more than 12,000 businesses worldwide in a collective effort to respect its 10 principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption.
As member of WBCSD and its Soft Commodities Forum, we partner with our sector peers to collectively monitor progress on transparent and traceable soy sourcing in Brazil’s Cerrado biome.